Swedish Anti-Counterfeiting Group


Artiklar & Seminarier

Welcome to SACG’s Annual General Meeting and seminar on the latest developments relating to the EU DSA and AI Act, August 31st, 2023!


16:00 – 17:00: SACGs Annual General Meeting (held in Swedish)

17.00: Seminar on the latest developments relating to the EU DSA and AI Act, followed by networking and drinks/nibbles

Location: Schjødt Law Firm, Hamngatan 27, Stockholm, Sweden

The EU legislature has recently adopted or is in the process of adopting key legislation focused on the regulation and governance of the internet and new and emerging technologies.

First, following the adoption of the Digital Services Act (DSA) in late 2022, both national legislature and concerned stakeholders are taking steps to implement and comply with it. Will the DSA realize its key objective of promoting “a safe, predictable and trustworthy online environment”?

Second, the EU’s current proposal for an AI Act, which is part of EU’s initiative to regulate artificial intelligence systems and promote trustworthy and ethical AI developments, is approaching the finish line too. While the AI act proposes strict regulations for high-risk AI systems, it also aims to foster innovation by providing clarity and legal certainty to AI developers, companies, and investors operating within the EU.

The purpose of the seminar is to discuss the legislative challenges and implications surrounding the most recent developments surrounding the DSA and the AI Act. To this end, SACG has invited experts to share their insights into the challenges and implications facing both instruments.            

Our speakers for the seminar (in alphabetical order) are:

Mikael Satama Granberg, MAQS

Måns Sjöstrand, AWA

Sanna Wolk, Schjødt

The presentations will be followed by a panel discussion and an opportunity to network with our speakers and participants. 

Kindly confirm your attendance no later than August 28th to: HELENA.REIMERS@REIMERSIP.COM

For those unable to attend in person, it will also be possible to attend online, just let us know (helena.reimers@reimersip.com) and we will send you an invite.

Agenda for SACG’s Annual General Meeting

1.       Val av ordförande vid mötet och fastställande av dagordning

2.       Val av två personer att jämte ordföranden justera mötesprotokollet

3.       Styrelsens förvaltningsberättelse

4.       Revisorernas berättelse

5.       Fråga om ansvarsfrihet för styrelsen

6.       Val av styrelse och valberderningens förslag

7.       Val av två revisorer och en revisorssuppleant

8.       Fastställande av årsavgifter i föreningen 

9.       Utseende av valberedning med uppgift att vid nästa årsmöte lämna förslag av styrelseledamöter samt revisorer och revisorssuppleant

10.   Övriga frågor


Bilaga 1 - Dagordning
Bilaga 2 - Förvaltningsberättelse
Bilaga 3 - Balansräkning
Bilaga 4 - Resultaträkning
Bilaga 5 - Revisorernas berättelse
Bilaga 6 - Valberedningens förslag
