Swedish Anti-Counterfeiting Group


Artiklar & Seminarier

Inbjudan till SACG:s och AIPPI:s seminarium om interimistiska säkerhetsåtgärder

SACG och AIPPI Sverige bjuder in till gemensamt seminarium om

Interimistiska säkerhetsåtgärder

– bör det svenska systemet för ställande av säkerhet ändras?

Kommissionen har nyligen genomfört en översyn över IPRED. Inför den översynen gav SACG in ett s.k. "position paper" där man visade på att Sverige är ett av få länder inom EU med krav på ställande av säkerhet redan vid ansökan om interimistiska säkerhetsåtgärder och att det kan utgöra ett hinder för verkställande av rättigheter vid piratkopiering eller andra immaterialrättsliga intrång. Kommissionen meddelande nyligen att resultatet av översyn är en vägledning och att inga ändringar av IPRED kommer ske.

I Sverige har Högsta domstolen nyligen gett vägledning kring handläggningen vid skyldighet för utländska kärande att ställa säkerhet för rättegångskostnader och vad som utgör tillräcklig säkerhet, med upphävande av PMÖDs beslut och återförvisning till PMD. I sitt beslut har HD också särskilt kommenterat hur bedömningen i det målet skiljer sig från ställandet av säkerhet vid interimistiska säkerhetsåtgärder, såsom kvarstad eller vitesförbud (med hänvisning till det upphovsrättsliga målet NJA 1995 s. 631).

Mot denna bakgrund önskar vi debattera det nuvarande systemets vara eller icke vara samt vad som ändå kan göras inom ramen för det systemet. Diskussionen kommer sedan tas vidare inom ramen för ett initiativ för att verka för lagändring.

Plats: Roschier, Brunkebergstorg 2, Stockholm

Tid: Den 22 mars 2018, kl. 16-18, med mingel efteråt



Erik Ficks, ordförande SACG, advokat (Roschier)

David Leffler, sekreterare AIPPI Sverige, advokat (Synch)

En komparativ studie och slutsatser om det nuvarande svenska systemet enligt SACGs "position paper"

Erik Ficks, ordförande SACG, advokat (Roschier)

Ann-Charlotte Söderlund Björk, advokat (Gozzo)

HDs beslut om tillräcklig säkerhet

Ludvig Holm, sekreterare SACG, advokat (Lindahl)

Debatt om det nuvarande systemets vara eller icke vara samt vad som ändå kan göras inom ramen för det systemet


Erik Ficks, ordförande SACG, advokat (Roschier)


Thore Brolin, f.d. rådman, juridisk konsult – inledningstalare

Ann-Charlotte Söderlund Björk, advokat (Gozzo)

Dag Sandart, advokat (Sandart & Partners)

Ludvig Holm, sekreterare SACG, advokat (Lindahl)

Deltagaravgift: 450 kr, som faktureras av SACG/AIPPI Sverige i efterskott. Deltagande förutsätter medlemskap i SACG (se http://www.sacg.org/bli-medlem/) eller AIPPI (se http://aippi.se/medlemskap).

Anmälan: Anmälan görs senast den 19 mars 2018 till klubbmästare Linn Rosengård på linn.rosengard@sfstudios.se.

New board of directors and honorary member for the SACG

SACG celebrated its 20th anniversary with a well-attended seminar in connection with its annual meeting held on 14 June 2017, where a new board of directors and an honorary member was appointed.

A new board of directors for the SACG was appointed at the annual meeting. The board now consists of Advokat Erik Ficks (Roschier), Advokat Sara Sparring (Synch), Advokat Ludvig Holm (Lindahl), Omar Baki (Brann), Nina Ebkar (Electrolux), Jesper Sundström (Zacco), Karin Crafoord (Groth & Co), Lena Johansson (ICC), Maria Herlitz Sundelius (H&M), Måns Sjöstrand (Daniel Wellington), Associate Professor Stojan Arnerstål (Uppsala University, IMK), and Professor Sanna Wolk (Uppsala University, IMK).

It was also decided to appoint the first honorary member of the SACG, namely Advokat Ann-Charlotte Söderlund Björk (Gozzo), who was chair of the SACG from its formation until 2015. At their subsequent initial board meeting, the new board appointed Erik Ficks as chair, Sara Sparring as vice chair, Ludvig Holm as secretary, and Omar Baki as treasurer.

”I’m delighted to have the opportunity to chair the SACG in the year it celebrates its 20th anniversary and in the years to come. The trade in counterfeit products presents constant challenges and, in recent times, digital trade has made it more difficult than ever for rights holders and consumers to identify and combat counterfeiting, whilst, at the same time, there has been an increased awareness that lawful trade is a prerequisite for, among other things, sustainability in production. The SACG has a hugely important role to play, not only when it comes to legislation and policy, but above all when it comes to assisting in disseminating information, an example being our efforts to assist rights holders to provide information to the police and customs authorities to identify counterfeit goods,” says Erik Ficks.

”It gives me an enormous amount of pleasure to have the opportunity to see the SACG continue to develop and act as a strong presence in this important area. I think that the new board has everything it needs to take our previous efforts forward into the increasingly digital reality. Naturally, I’m also honoured to accept this appointment and look forward to supporting the board’s activities as best as I can, both in Sweden and globally”, says Ann-Charlotte Söderlund Björk.

The SACG counts as members close to 50 Swedish and foreign companies, as well as a number of individuals. For a long time now, the SACG has been actively involved in the activities of the European Observatory on Infringements in IPR, at the EUIPO in Alicante.

The Global Anti-Counterfeiting Awards 2017

A diverse range of GAC Awards were announced on 7th June 2017 on World Anti-Counterfeiting Day. The eight winners represent a broad spectrum of anti-counterfeiting and IPR enforcement activities from the continuing success of national customs services to the growing importance of international co-operation to combat fraud linked with IP Crime. The significant contribution of pro-active law enforcement agencies; a new initiative in Public Awareness of the damages of counterfeiting and piracy; and the growing sophistication of product security technology are also recognised. The 2017 GAC Award Winners

Derivative use of Public Domain Content – Film Industry Focus

”An EU-wide study carried out by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), through the European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights, is one of the first studies focusing on usage of the pre-existing creative content for new derivative projects. The objective of the research is to document the way previous creative content, both still under the copyright protection and already in the public domain, is being used by film producers for new creative projects in this sector”.

- European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights Executive Summary Derivative Use of Public Domain Content_EN and Final Full Report Public Domain

World Intellectual Property Day on 26 April 2017: Innovation – Improving Lives

”Every April 26, we celebrate World Intellectual Property Day to learn about the role that intellectual property rights (patents, trademarks, industrial designs, copyright) play in encouraging innovation and creativity.

This year, we’ll explore how innovation is making our lives healthier, safer, and more comfortable, turning problems into progress. We’ll look at how the intellectual property system supports innovation by attracting investment, rewarding creators, encouraging them to develop their ideas, and ensuring that their new knowledge is freely available so that tomorrow’s innovators can build on today’s new technology.”- WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) World IP day

Rapport om kostnader för immateriella intrång i EU med fokus på smartphones

I en gemensam rapport från EUIPO i samarbete med International Telecommunication Union (ITU) görs bedömningen att 184 miljoner färre smartphones såldes av den legitima industrin 2015 till följd av counterfeit produkter på marknaden. ITU’s Telecommunication Development Bureau’s Director, Brahima Sanou: ”Counterfeiting affects economic growth as well as consumers’ health. I am pleased to see that our collaboration with EUIPO helps to raise awareness about the social and economic consequences of counterfeited smartphones. It is our responsibility to take steps to protect consumers.” Press release och Social media Infographics

Rapporter & studierSACG